i woke up to little paws sticking out from the top of the comforter and i grabbed my phone to take a photo of it but they all came out blurry then i realized i grabbed my phone before my glasses.
charlie barks at the sight of anyone coming towards our house, even at strangers just waking down our street, like he wants to announce, "I'm here! I'm here! Look at me! Look at me! I'm here!" until they are way out of sight. they always look though and he wins this game and i wished i could do the same thing but i'm way too polite.
charlie's skinny little legs scurry and move fast in tiny steps to chase balls that don't belong to him, thrown by strangers in the park, he gleefully carries away balls, sticks, toys that aren't his, "Look what I found!" he seems to say. "This is mine! I love it!" he is fearless in his claiming and strangers smile and admire his gusto. he is definitely my husband's dog.