the good news - day 34 in quarantine

the good news is that you’re alive

and you’re resourceful enough to find flour from a commercial resource, a boatload of it coming your way, enough so you can feed all your neighbors starters, the ones that will surely die when they go back to work and you’re still at home, figuring out what you want to be when you grow up.

that there’s time and most days you’re lucid because there are no emails and no deadlines or unhappy stern white guys shaking their pointer finger at you in disappointment.

that you are lucky, born with a mole on your right hand, between your thumb and your forefinger. so lucky, your relatives cooed and asked you to rub their necks with this hand when they swallowed tiny fish bones. lucky as a rabbits foot, red envelopes and shooting stars.

that you know you are temporary.

and it’s only frightening 1% of the time.

that there are more books than time, that you will never run out, that you make a mean baked ziti for an asian, that beds exist and naps are plentiful and mostly people are friendly, stepping aside and smiling with their whole face as you pass. smiling so big and so hard, to make sure you can see, even with a mask on.